400莉莉丝(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)是一个有着神秘过去的赏金猎人,她被迫回到家乡——银河系中最混乱的潘多拉星球,任务是找到阿特拉斯(埃德加·拉米雷兹 Édgar Ramírez 饰)失踪的女儿。莉莉丝与一群不合群的人组成了一个意想不到的联盟,他们是:雇佣兵罗兰(凯文·哈特 Ke -
罪犯联盟 第三季
217The series follows a group of strangers from different walks of life forced together to complete a community payback sentence in Bristol. -
罪犯联盟 第二季
759Following on directly from the first series, The Outlaws still have time to serve on their sentences, but now they must face the fallout from their ac