256The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The -
108When Ivy discovers the school bathroom is haunted, Bean helps Ivy to harness her witchlike powers. With the help of their classmates, Ivy and Bean orc -
970Ivy and Bean are ecstatic to sign up for ballet class until they realize there will be no sword fighting, kicking or “dancing to the death” allowed in -
783本片讲述了一位天才盲人钢琴家对抗不公命运的传奇故事。主人公米耶特出生于波兰一个贫困的农场家庭,12岁时因疾病视力渐逝、又经历父亲离弃、母亲早亡、修道院清冷无助的寄养生活……纵然拥有音乐天赋,他的钢琴之路却始终伴随着冷眼与嘲笑,为了弹琴他不断碰壁,又再次遭受朋友和心爱之人的背离……这个被命运几经捉弄, -
766Тихоокеанский лайнер. Полуобнажённые красотки, участвующие в конкурсе красоты. Шампанское и голубой океан… О таком бывшая звезда телевидения, а ныне в