999When Andy finds out he's on Santa's "naughty list," he pulls together a group of "naughty list" kids to get the presents they thin -
575"The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggl -
674Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. The -
248Showtime宣布把Lisa Taddeo所写的非小说《三名女子 Three Women》改编成剧集,作者亦会负责改编剧本。在书中讲述了三名女子因性欲而影响到生活的真实故事,她们分别是一名30多岁的母亲,她因为丈夫拒绝肢体亲密而和高中恋人重燃爱火﹑一名23岁女子举报前教师,指控教师在女主17岁时与