即刻逃亡 第一季
73叛逆伦敦少女Tara和她的闺蜜们来到鹿特丹度假,在Tara的父亲被发现意外死亡后,她发现她的家族成员正暗地里干着走私毒品的买卖,并已被一群亡命罪犯盯上!其中一个被称为“旅行者”的神秘连环杀手,正一步步接近她们。 -
936保罗·麦斯卡将出演歌舞新片[卡门],与梅丽莎·巴雷拉上演对手戏。该片为本杰明·米派德([黑天鹅]芭蕾指导)的导演处女作。米派德还将担任总编舞,并与尼古拉斯·布里特尔([月光男孩])一起配乐,与亚历山大·迪内拉里斯([鸟人])、Loic Barrère共同操刀剧本。故事灵感来源于乔治·比才同名歌剧,讲 -
245After the sudden and mysterious death of her sister, a 17-year-old novitiate explores her God-given right to experience life to the fullest, during th -
97Jagged Mind is about a woman plagued by blackouts and strange visions that lead her to discover she’s stuck in a series of time loops, possibly relate -
569Neneh is a little 12-year-old black girl. Born to dance, she dreams of gaining entry to the Paris Opera ballet school. Despite her enthusiasm, she wil